Organisational strategy is the collective actions planned by an organisation to achieve their long-term goals. It includes :
- how the organisation sees itself;
- how it wants to develop and
- how it wants to interact with its environment (structures).
Often organisational strategies of interest groups are developed by focusing only on the public policy-related activities of organizations and they overlook the impact of the environment within the organisation operates.
The dynamic interaction with public authorities may bring additional tasks and there is a risk that the organisation may ‘gravitate’ towards the EU institutions while focusing primarily on creating a positive image among policymakers. This may create dependencies which may not always be consistent with the organisation’s mission. As a societal actor you are however the legitimate representative of your sector. You need to regularly assess the impact of the evolution and success of the organisation on your original mission and avoid losing touch with your members and the broader civil society for which you try improve outcomes.
We offer to support you throughout your journey as interest group by developing an organisational strategy that is tailored to your needs (or review your existing strategy) with recommendations on:
- alliance or membership building;
- how to improve performance
- how to ensure sustainability.
You will receive a full analysis of the operating environment that will enhance your understanding as to:
- why the interest organisation population is as it is;
- why some organisations seem successful and other not;
- how aspects of interest representation or stages of the influence production process are related at a general level;
- what type of activities may improve success;
Furthermore such insights will enable you in the future to:
- identify potential tensions arising from interactions with other groups;
- understand the constraints arising from contradictory demands from other actors;
- analyse the role of factors such as public opinion, different institutions or other interest populations;
Above all you will be able to reflect on:
- How to remain true to your organisation’s mission while enhancing your structural and strategic capabilities;
- How to manage dependencies while accumulating human and financial capital to support to specific organisational features and activities;
- How to broaden and intensify your interorganisational networks